
Give a girl the right shoes and she can conquer the world - Bette Midler

Louboutins please x x

Wednesday 14 March 2012

Free your mind - and the rest will follow

“You are responsible for how you feel no matter what someone does to you. Remember you are always in control of your thoughts - so choose to feel confident and adequate rather than angry and insecure” 

I believe I am the keeper of my own destiny.  Although I cannot control everything I am willing to control the things that I can.  Mainly my perceptions, my attitude, my thoughts and my feelings.  Shit happens all the time and I can choose to wallow in it or pick up myself up and keep it moving.  There’s not point moaning about your job when you’re not doing anything to change the situation.  There’s no point moaning about being single when you’re not dating or doing anything to meet new people.  There is no point moaning about life and then doing the exact the same things and not changing anything.

It’s not until my early thirties that I really began the question the meaning of life and why I am here.  What’s it all for and what’s it all about.  We live in such a materialistic society that it’s easy for us to be autonomous as humans.  Easy to live completely for ourselves with just a fleeting and detached passing thought for others and even when things appear to be glaringly obvious cries for help, we’re able to distance ourselves and look down other people without any shred of compassion or understanding.

I’m now seeking a path of enlightenment and self awareness.  I’m practising yoga daily and trying to keep myself in tune with the universe and keep my spirit on an even keel and at a safe equilibrium.  I’m finding myself on meditation retreats with my local wellness centre – learning how to meditate and zone out of negative situations that occur.  My life needs to be stress free not just right now but at all times.  I do not need to absorb the negativity around me.  I find that stressful working environments cause us to absorb the negativity of others to our own detriment.  We don’t even realise we are doing it half the time and hence my need to step outside of myself sometimes.  It’s in these times of quite stillness and solitude that I find I am able to connect with myself on a deeper level – remembering who I am as a person without the outside influences of who I think I need to be.  I believe this is something we all should do because at the moment we are all lost – not just the people that are blatantly acting out like the rioters or the rogue American Soldier - all of us.

x x

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