I usually find
writing about things a cathartic healing process and I know the reason for my
writers block. At the start of this year
we started our second cycle of IVF. This
time round things were not as straight forward as the first cycle and at times
there doubts as to whether we would even make it through to the end of the
treatment cycle. I stimmed for a bit
longer, was on higher doses of meds and on a lot more meds than the first time
too. I was quite poorly towards the end
and suffered a bit with over stimulation.
I was very stressed due to some worrying feedback on one of the
monitoring scans from a consultant I hope to never see again and during the 2WW
our boiler broke down adding to an already chaotic situation. The treatment failed and although I was kinda
expecting it, nothing could prepare me for the shock and devastation I
felt. I was in a very weird place for a
very long time. I had to continue as
normal and was just about making it though my working day but I would get home
and completely fall apart. I’d already
had so much time off for treatment I didn’t want to continue taking time off –
my workplace have been great with me getting the leave I needed. It didn’t help that 2 work colleagues announced
their pregnancies in the weeks after my failed treatment. While happy for them, I couldn’t help but
feel sorry for myself – why not me?! Why
couldn’t I be hiding the secret of early pregnancy from fertility treatment as
I shared their joy? I knew I would be ok
in the near future but in that moment I was soooo not ok.
That’s when I
stumbled upon something called Transcendental Meditation (TM. I read a book by the mogul Russell Simmons
called Success through Stillness, and in it he talks about TM and how it has
benefitted him. At first I was very sceptical
but after a few more weeks of being depressed I thought I had nothing to lose
by giving it a try. I arranged to go to
an introductory session and by the end of that I was convinced and signed
up. TM is 20 minutes of meditation twice
a day using a mantra. The goal being
absolute transcendence between the conscious and subconscious mind. And it really is that simple. To say I’m finding TM beneficial is an
understatement, and I’ve only been doing it for a few months. In reality it feels like TM has changed my
life. For the last few years my whole
world has been consumed with things fertility – everything I did, read and ate
was somehow linked to fertility, improving it and preparing myself for
treatments. Even when I said I was
taking a break – it was always right there at the side of my mind – not even at
the back of my mind, because it was always there. TM has helped me to refocus on other areas of
my life. It’s helped me to remember all
the wonderful things I have in my life and have achieved in my life. It’s helped my reduce my stress and anxiety
and has helped me to relinquish the unobtainable control I was trying to have
on fertility – something which cannot be controlled. It’s given me back the old me - and for that
I’m very grateful! To find out more
about TM please visit the website http://uk.tm.org
Eric B and Rakim - You got soul http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hrTfI3f_WLM&feature=kp
x x
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