
Give a girl the right shoes and she can conquer the world - Bette Midler

Louboutins please x x

Wednesday, 21 December 2011

It’s the most wonderful time of the year…

I care not what anyone thinks – I love Christmas!!  It IS the most time wonderful time of the year. 

Of course there are increasing numbers of people who refuse to buy into the propaganda and commercialism of it all, and not forgetting those who are more than happy to tell all about its pagan origins.  However, as someone who was brought up as Christian, to me it will always mean Jesus’ birthday and a time for family, friends and love. 

Over the years I have wondered where the message and the religious aspects of Christmas have disappeared to.  In England I feel in trying to be PC and ensure everyone and other religions are comfortable here, we forget that we are Christian country.  I will never refer to Christmas as the holidays as they do across the pond, and is becoming more popular here.  And as someone who does believe in God I will never dismiss Christmas as only a pagan festival.

Christmas has always been special to me and the older I get hasn’t changed.  If anything it’s become more important – it’s the time of year where my family – immediate and extended come together.  It’s a time of year where I get to see friends that I don’t get to see all the time anymore as our lives take on different courses and directions.  It’s a time of joy and happiness and laughter.  It’s a time of togetherness and appreciating what I have.  And it’s a time that makes me feel blessed.  And when I feel blessed how can I not think of God?  And when I think of God – I think of Jesus. 

Happy birthday!

x x